For Outboard & Inboard Engine Applications. A Safety Feature Adaptable to all High Performance Boats
All machined models do all motors and standard push or pull cable styles!! Includes adapters for all cable styles.
CONSTRUCTION: All aluminum machined unit to reduce weight and resist corrosion. Stainless steel hardware and nonsticking Teflon or nylon bearing surfaces for trouble free operation. A stainless steel spring returns engine to idle position when released. Included is a new toe clip for additional safety in extreme operating conditions. Provisions for additional return springing if required. Uses standard control cables for easy hook-up. Mounts directly to floor of boat with four screws (not furnished). All these features combine to make driving your boat fun and safe. Use the Slide Plate shown below for a wider range of adjustments.
Optional foot throttle slide plate :
Slide plate allows foot throttle to be moved back and forward to match leg length of driver.
For instance, if foot throttle is mounted permanently in the most forward position for a six-foot driver, then someone 5’6″ or 5’*” drives the boat, he or she can’t comfortable reach the foot throttle without sitting on the edge of the seat. This is not only inconvenient but also unsafe.