Power Pole Components & Replacement Parts

Missing a bolt or an important part of your Power Pole shallow water anchor? Don’t worry, Hydrilla Gear has your back. Shop our large inventory of Power Pole replacement parts and components for your exact model, including the Power Pole Sportsman II, Power Pole Blade models, Power Pole Pro II models. We stock the largest selection of Power Pole replacement parts for all generation and model Power Poles, including: reservoir kits, hydraulic tubing, mounting brackets, cylinders, electric motors, stern brackets, and more.

Frequently Asked Questions

How do I identify my Power-Pole model?

Depending on what generation and model Power Pole you own will determine where to look for the serial number. Typically, the serial number can be found underneath the bottom side of the lower leg of the Power Pole. This part is called the Stern Bracket. The Serial number may also be found on a white sticker located on the back side of the pump motor or bag that the manual comes in.