Minn Kota Talon Shallow Water Anchors

Anchors to hold you in place effortlessly

For those who are looking for secure, reliable positioning for their water vessels, the Minn Kota Talon will be a game-changer. Minn Kota’s Talon provides solid stability so you can focus on fishing without worrying about your anchor hold. Unlike traditional anchors, the Talon shallow water anchor deploys vertically with minimal disturbance, keeping you locked in place effortlessly and relentlessly, even in rough waters and choppy conditions. Shop and see all our Talon shallow water anchors below.

Minn Kota Talon Shallow Water Anchors Options

10-Foot Models:

  • Black: Minn Kota Talon BT 10' Shallow Water Anchor
  • Red: Minn Kota Talon BT 10' Shallow Water Anchor
  • White: Minn Kota Talon BT 10' Shallow Water Anchor
  • Blue: Minn Kota Talon BT 10' Shallow Water Anchor

12-Foot Models:

  • Black: Minn Kota 12' Talon Bluetooth Anchor
  • Red: Minn Kota 12' Talon Bluetooth Anchor
  • White: Minn Kota Talon BT 12' Shallow Water Anchor
  • Blue: Minn Kota Talon BT 12' Shallow Water Anchor
  • Silver/Black: Minn Kota 12' Talon Bluetooth Anchor
  • Silver/White: Minn Kota Talon BT 12' Shallow Water Anchor

15-Foot Models:

  • Black: Minn Kota 15' Talon Bluetooth Anchor
  • Silver/Black: Minn Kota Talon BT 15' Shallow Water Anchor

FAQs about Minn Kota Talon Shallow Water Anchors

  • What does a Minn Kota talon do?

The Minn Kota Talon is a shallow-water anchor that quickly and easily holds your boat in place when you’re fishing or doing water activities. The anchor has wireless controls and different anchoring modes for various rough water conditions, making it especially useful for fishing or staying put in shallow water.

  • What is the difference between Minn Kota Talon and Minn Kota Raptor?

The Minn Kota Talon and Minn Kota Raptor both provide reliable shallow-water anchoring but differ in a few ways. The Talon uses a vertical, multi-stage electric deployment and offers more depth options (8, 10, 12, and 15 feet), while the Raptor has an articulating hydraulic arm and is available in 8- and 10-foot models. The Raptor features Active Anchoring, which continuously adjusts holding force, while the Talon has wave absorption technology.

  • How heavy is a Minn Kota Talon?

The weight of a Minn Kota Talon shallow water anchor varies depending on the model:

  • 8-foot model: approximately 38 pounds
  • 10-foot model: approximately 43 pounds
  • 12-foot model: approximately 47 pounds
  • 15-foot model: approximately 55 pounds